Here's some good information for creating and applying watermarks to digital images.
Here's a humorous video tutorial by Russel Brown on how to do this: .
Another method is to create a custom Photoshop brush:
The way I do that so I don't have to keep repeating the process is to create a brush in photoshop that basically stamps my copywrite onto the image where I want in what color or effect. Listed below is the process.
For those that want to do a one step technique for putting copyrights on your images. The easiest way is to make a brush. Below is how it's done.
Just in case you don't know how to create the brush I'll try and walk you thru it.
When you open photoshop click file new and make sure the background content color is set to transparent. You can make the file any size you want but I also put the resolution to 300. I usually do an 8 x 10 for perspective viewing of work. Select your font then you can either do the alt + 0169 or click on the custom shape tool on the side tool bar. if you scroll thru this you'll see the © symbol any other symbol you want.
Next select you text tool and type the name you want next to copyright with the font you want.
If you're happy with it then crop it very tight.
Next two steps important
Click Edit-------then Define Brush Preset
window will come up and you can name it copyright or whatever. When you do though notice the number assigned to it to the left.
Next you'll want to save as (whatever name you want I use Copyright) and make sure is PSD file. You can save anywhere.
Now when you have a photo or image you want your copyright on you just click on your brush tool. Scroll down to the brush number that you saved and click on where you want it. You can do different colors by selecting color before you paint it on and you can also vary the brush size with the slider when you select the brush.
Just go to you picture and click your mouse like you would start to paint and your copyright and signature appears.
Another thing you can do is create a blank layer on your image and when you click on your copyright you can then hit your styles button to do different effects to the signage.
Hope this helps. It's lengthy but well worth it. Practice with different fonts and sizes till you find the one you like. You could even do objects in your copyright like a cats paw or something if you wanted.
Fun to experiment. If you have anymore questions about it I'll try to answer.
Created by Warren C and found here: